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Run Diva and connect it to your Ethereum clients

If you already have an Ethereum client setup, this option is the recommended one for you.

If you're new to Ethereum validation, we recommend you start with the all-in-one Diva with clients mode, which will install the needed dependencies automatically.

Configure Consensus and Execution endpoints​

First, you MUST rename the file .env.example to .env and change the following values of the file:

Replace the value ws://HOST_IP:PORT of EXECUTION_CLIENT_URL with the WebSocket endpoint of your execution client.

EXECUTION_CLIENT_URL=ws://HOST_IP:PORT  # Change this (execution RPC WebSocket, geth example: ws://HOST_IP:8546)

Replace the value http://HOST_IP:PORT of CONSENSUS_CLIENT_URL with the REST API provider endpoint of your consensus client.

CONSENSUS_CLIENT_URL=http://HOST_IP:PORT  # Change this (consensus REST API, prysm example: http://HOST_IP:3500)

Replace the value HOST_IP:PORT of the BEACON_RPC_PROVIDER with the RPC provider endpoint of your consensus client.

BEACON_RPC_PROVIDER=HOST_IP:PORT # Change this (consensus RPC, prysm example: http://HOST_IP:4000)


The Diva Testnet repository comes with some docker compose profiles.

Replace the value telemetry of the COMPOSE_PROFILES with the name of the docker compose profiles that you want to use, separated by commas and without spaces.

The possible values are:

  • clients: to run Geth and Prysm clients
  • metrics: to monitor your clients with Grafana
  • telemetry: to help us monitor and improve the testnet
COMPOSE_PROFILES=telemetry # Change this (docker profiles: clients, metrics, telemetry)

Once you have changed all the above values, continue setting up your node in configure your setup.